Fabric Softener is Toxic to Pets. Here's What To Use Instead. Product Review
Product: Wool Dryer Balls Price: About $11.00 Cheapest Place to Buy: Amazon.com My Rating: Five Stars A surprising number of blog posts on the internet recommend adding fabric softener to pet baths or rubbing dryer sheets on their fur in order to soften their fur and prevent shedding. But the truth is that fabric softener is toxic to pets. If your dog or cat chews dryer sheets or licks their fur after you've applied fabric softener on them, here is what you can expect:
Using fabric softener when you wash your pet's bed or toys can cause the same problems. Fabric softeners are made of chemicals called cationic detergents. These chemicals can cause injury to mucus membranes, the eyes, and the skin. In humans, they can cause irritation of the nose, airway, and lungs. But I recently discovered that you don't have to choose between getting shocked by static electricity when I reach for my dog's toys or pick up my cat's bed. Instead, I discovered this terrific product called Wool Dryer Balls. I ordered a pack of six from Amazon. They arrived a few days later, packed in an Amazon. Inside was a reusable cloth bag with a string closure containing six wool balls about the size of tennis balls. I just threw them in the dryer when I did laundry, including washing my dog and cat items. These things really work. All of my laundry came out dry, static-free, and practically wrinkle-free. The balls look no worse for the wear.
You can buy Wool Dryer Balls at Amazon by clicking here: amzn.to/3wQqde3
Happy Riding!
Copyright Denise Cummins, PhD May 9, 2018; updated June 2, 1024 The Thinking Equestrian Also be sure to check out these fantastic articles: How To Stop Your Cat From Yowling Three Horse Products You're Going to Love A Nox-toxic Product to Keep Your Horse Free of Flies |
Denise Cummins has over 30 years experience as an equestrian and horse business owner. In The Thinking Equestrian, she shares valuable tips on caring for and training horses, giving riding instruction, and running a successful horse business.