Hay For Horses First, Grain Second?
You’ve been told to ALWAYS feed hay before grain to your horses. But is it true?
Feed hay to your horses first! Then feed grain. You’ve probably been told that rule a thousand times. Usually, two reasons are given: It slows down digestion of the grain, thereby reducing the chance of colic and founder. And it reduces the chance that your horse will choke. But are these true?
Does feeding hay first really slow down digestion?
No, this is false. According to recent research, eating hay before grain does not slow the grain's passage through horse’s digestive tract. Instead, it flushes grain through faster. This is because horses tend to drink more water when eating hay than when eating grain. This means that the starch from the grain ends up in the hind gut faster, not slower. The only way to avoid this is to separate hay and grain feedings by several hours. This usually isn’t practical. The good news, though is that unless half your horse’s diet consists of grain (say, greater than 8 lbs daily), it doesn’t seem to make that much difference to the horse’s actual health.
Does feeding hay first really slow down digestion?
No, this is false. According to recent research, eating hay before grain does not slow the grain's passage through horse’s digestive tract. Instead, it flushes grain through faster. This is because horses tend to drink more water when eating hay than when eating grain. This means that the starch from the grain ends up in the hind gut faster, not slower. The only way to avoid this is to separate hay and grain feedings by several hours. This usually isn’t practical. The good news, though is that unless half your horse’s diet consists of grain (say, greater than 8 lbs daily), it doesn’t seem to make that much difference to the horse’s actual health.
Does feeding hay before grain reduce the chance of that your horse will choke.
This is true. Horses prefer grain to hay, so if given a choice, they will eat grain first. If they are very hungry (or just really like their grain), the chances of their bolting down the grain fast enough to choke is a genuine concern. Choke in horses is not the same as choke in humans. This is because the larynx (voice box) is much lower in the throat in humans. When food gets lodged there, it shuts off our air supply, putting us at risk of suffocation. When food gets lodged in a horse’s throat, it makes it difficult for them to swallow, but they can still breathe. The horse will drool excessively and struggle to swallow. If you suspect your horse is choking, call your veterinarian immediately.
The Bottom Line
The safest feeding regimen for your horse is to feed hay first, then grain. In dry, hot weather, you might also consider wetting your hay a little to cut down on dust and to make the hay easier to chew. But feeing hay first does NOT slow down digestion. That’s just a bit of horsey folklore.
Avoid feeding horses grain first because it greatly increases the risk of choke. By feeding hay first, your horse is also more likely to feel less hungry and hence be less likely to bolt his grain.
You can read about how the study was conducted here: https://paulickreport.com/horse-care-category/slow-feeding-hay-grain-really-impact-speed-consumption
Copyright Denise Cummins, PhD May 2009; Updated June 20, 2018; Updated June 6, 2024
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